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Notebooks / pads with branding
✔️Corporate ✔️Advertising ✔️ Logo

Corporate branding notebooks: An effective and versatile advertising medium

In today's environment, where companies face increasing competition, effective advertising and brand recognition have become key elements of marketing strategy. One of the increasingly popular and effective promotional tools are corporate branded advertising notebooks. Their versatility and functionality make them not just a practical gadget, but also an effective advertising medium.

Benefits of Corporate Branding Notebooks

  • Practicality and Functionality: Advertising notebooks are an essential part of daily life, both in the office and at home. They are used for writing notes, shopping lists, reminders, or important information. Thanks to their practicality, notebooks are used regularly, increasing the chances for frequent exposure of the company logo and information.

  • Easy Tear-Off Pages: Notebooks with glue-bound pages that can be easily torn off are particularly appreciated by users. This type of binding allows for convenient and aesthetic tearing of individual pages without damaging the rest of the notebook. This is particularly useful when a user wants to pass on a note or keep the notebook organized.

  • Unexpected Advertising Medium: Torn-off pages with corporate branding can circulate unexpectedly. When a user passes a note to another person, the company logo and contact details reach new recipients. In this way, a single page can become an advertising medium, reaching potential customers the company had not previously considered.

  • Low Cost, High Efficiency: The production of corporate branded advertising notebooks is relatively inexpensive, especially for bulk orders. Compared to other forms of advertising, such as TV spots or billboards, advertising notebooks offer an exceptionally favorable cost-to-effect ratio. The low unit cost allows for broad distribution, thereby increasing the reach of the advertising campaign.

  • Customization: Notebooks can be customized in any way, allowing them to be tailored to the specifics of the industry and the character of the company. The choice of color, format, type of paper, and printing makes the notebooks fully reflect the visual identity of the brand. Customization increases the attractiveness of the gadget, which in turn can lead to more frequent use by customers.

How to effectively use advertising notebooks?

To ensure that corporate branded notebooks achieve the expected results, it is important to consider several key aspects:

  • Creative Design: An aesthetically pleasing and professional design of the notebook attracts attention and encourages its use. It is worth investing in a graphic design that is consistent with the company's image and also appealing to the audience.

  • Strategic Distribution: Advertising notebooks should be distributed in places where potential company customers are located. These could be industry fairs, conferences, training sessions, as well as partner business offices and client offices.

  • Adding Value: Consider adding additional elements to the notebooks, such as a calendar, a place for contact details, or useful industry information. Such additions increase the utility value of the notebook and make it more likely to be used.


Corporate branded advertising notebooks are an effective marketing tool that combines functionality with the ability to effectively promote a brand. Thanks to their practical application and low production cost, notebooks can be an important element of any company's advertising strategy. Their customization and ease of distribution make them an excellent way to build brand awareness and reach new customers in an unconventional and surprising way.

How to prepare a design for notebook printing?

The product description and mockup are available on the left side of the product configurator. For printing notebooks / pads, a PDF should be provided in the size according to the mockup of the ordered product. Margins should be maintained > 5 mm for text and other important project elements. If you do not have your own design, and its creation is challenging, you can select a ready-made template in our configurator or commission us to design a notebook according to your description.

What size do we print notebooks in?

In the standard offer, pads are available in popular formats like A4, A5, A6, or DL. The configurator on the printing company's website allows pricing for other non-standard formats as needed.

How do we print notebooks?

The printing of Pads / Notebooks takes place in the full color Euroscala CMYK palette. This allows the inclusion of colorful logos and photos. For larger runs, printing is also available from special Pantone palette colors, allowing for effects for demanding customers. For example, when printing millimeter paper requiring precision, using Pantone colors can achieve thin, sharp grid lines without the raster (tiny dots) that always appears in CMYK printing when simulating shades of gray.

What paper do we use in notebook printing?

In notebooks / pads, we use uncoated Amber Graphic paper, 80 - 90 g. Optionally, thicker premium papers like Amber Preprint 100g (higher whiteness and smoothness) are also available.

How Are Notebooks Glued?

Notebooks / Pads are glued in batches of 25, 50, or 100 sheets along the short or long side. The use of soft glue allows for easy tearing of sheets. A cardboard backing is used at the bottom of the pad.

Optional Additions Available in Notebooks?

Notebooks / Pads can additionally be equipped with holes allowing individual sheets to be placed in a binder.

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